Recent progress using quadrature-based moment methods to simulate multiphase turbulent reacting flows

  • Fox, Rodney (Iowa State University)

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Probability-density-function (PDF) methods are a powerful tool for modeling multiphase turbulent reacting flows. However, it is well known that a closure must be introduced to close the molecular-mixing (MM) terms in the PDF transport equation. In prior work, the Fokker-Planck closure was applied to the multi-component PDF for multiphase turbulent reacting flow to derive a moment-based model for the mixture fraction (MF) and reacting scalars (RS). As done with the conditional moment closure, the RS are represented by their first-order moment conditioned on the MF. Remarkably, the MM terms in the moment equations for the MF and RS appear in closed form. Thus, the effect of mixing can be computed exactly by solving the moment equations numerically. Using the generalized quadrature method of moments (GQMOM), the MF PDF can be computed to any desired order of the integer moments. For example, if moments up to the variance are known, then the classical beta-PDF representation is used and GQMOM provides a Gaussian quadrature for evaluating the reaction-source term with an arbitrary number of nodes. For the RS, the conditional mean is found from solving closed transport equations for selected joint MF–RS moments. In the original work [1], the reaction-source term was evaluated only at a few quadrature nodes, which may not reside at points where the reaction rate is large. Recently [3], the conditional quadrature method of moments was extended to use the quadrature nodes from GQMOM. Current work focuses on using this extension to simulate multiphase turbulent reacting flows.