Level 2-Calculations of Dynamic Vehicle-Bridge Compatibility for Determining Permissible Speeds in the Railway Network (Germany)
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As part of the network access process for new railway vehicles, the static and dynamic compatibility between the vehicle and existing bridges must be evaluated. For high-speed railway vehicles in particular, dynamic bridge compatibility is one of the factors determining the maximum admissible vehicle speed on the railway network. Bridge compatibility includes vehicle-specific bridge verifications within the framework of the ultimate limit state (ULS) and the serviceability limit state (SLS). The verification procedure is divided into Levels 1 to 5, which are characterised by increasing complexity of the verification process. In Levels 1 and 2, simple parameter studies are used to verify and demonstrate the compatibility for the entire network. Levels 3 to 5 are implemented on a line-by-line basis by computing results on individual line structures. The objective of this contribution is to extend the verification process in Level 2 regarding the modelling of damping and fatigue (ULS) as well as acceleration (SLS) by also studying different load-bearing systems occurring in the network. The dynamic properties of the bridge stock (network) are represented by conservative assumptions of the system variables. For this purpose, new evaluations of the information available from measurements and construction documents of bridges were carried out (distributed mass, eigenfrequency, damping) representing the railway bridge network in Germany (DB InfraGO AG). As part of the new parameter studies, the influence of non-linear damping on the response spectrum for different spans is investigated (velocity-dependent, displacement-dependent damping) and compared with each other. In combination with a subsequent study of the vehicle stock of current vehicles and new vehicle developments, the verification method shown in this contribution will be employed in the future for the revision of the vehicle type-specific static/dynamic speed limits (EN 15528:2021, Table C.1) as part of the EU project InBridge4EU at European level.