A decoupled solver for a novel stabilization scheme for Biot's model

  • Pe de la Riva, Alvaro (Zaragoza University)
  • Gaspar, Francisco (Zaragoza University)
  • Rodrigo, Carmen (Zaragoza University)
  • Adler, James (Tufts University)
  • Hu, Xiaozhe (Tufts University)
  • Zikatanov, Ludmil (Penn State)

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In this work, we propose a new stabilization method aimed at removing the spurious oscillations in the pressure approximation of the Biot's model for low permeabilities and/or small time steps. We consider different finite element (FE) discretizations and illustrate how such a stabilized scheme provides numerical solutions that are free of non-physical oscillations. The new discretization allows us to iterate the fluid and mechanic problems in a fashion similar to the well-known fixed-stress split method. We also present numerical results illustrating the robust behavior of both the stabilization and iterative solver with respect to the physical and discretization parameters of the model.