Computational Design of High-Energy Absorption Materials and Structures for Impact Loading

  • Li, Eric (Teesside University)
  • He, ZC (Hunan University)

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In this presentation, we delve into a comprehensive exploration of the intersection of topology optimization, machine learning, and additive manufacturing—a dynamic synergy poised to catalyze a profound transformation in the domain of design and production processes. We elucidate the diverse applications where these technologies converge, revealing the potential that collectively promises to improve product design, enhance manufacturing efficiency, and elevate performance optimization to unprecedented levels. Through compelling case studies, we furnish tangible evidence of the substantial benefits arising from this collaborative approach, underscoring the practical advantages inherent in this fusion. As we traverse these illuminating examples, we provide a sneak peek into the future landscape of advanced materials design and manufacturing, where these pioneering disciplines are set to redefine the boundaries of attainable achievements. The insights derived from this presentation unveil latent possibilities at the nexus of topology optimization, machine learning, and 3D printing, laying the groundwork for a new era of innovation and efficiency in the intricate realm of designing and producing complex products and materials.