A Level Set-Ghost Fluid method for the numerical simulation of droplet combustion

  • Cleris, Hippolyte (ONERA - Toulouse)
  • Tanguy, Sébastien (Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse 3)
  • Rouzaud, Olivier (ONERA - Toulouse)
  • Estivalezes, Jean-Luc (ONERA - Toulouse)
  • Urbano, Annafederica (ISAE - Supaéro)

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Numerical methods for interface resolved simulations of droplet vaporization [1] are of significant interest in many configurations for which accurate investigations on micro-scale phenomena are required to improve our insight on local physics. We will present numerical developments to account accurately for combustion phenomena in the framework of a droplet vaporization solver based on an interface capturing method [2]. After presenting some preliminary validations against experimental data on the temporal evolution of the droplet diameter for a burning droplet, numerical simulations will be presented on the combustion of a droplet in a flow. In particular, we will show the strong impact of the incident flow on the flame structure as one can observe in Fig. (1), where three types of flames can be observed, that is, an envelope flame for lower Reynolds, a side flame for intermediate Reynolds and a wake flame for higher values of the Reynolds number. By analyzing the Nusselt number of the droplet obtained from the simulations, we will show the strong impact of the flame shape on the vaporization heat flux and so on the overall combustion Mechanism. The developed numerical solver allows also to perform numerical simulations in 3D configurations involving both several droplets and an incident turbulent flow.