Key Components for Efficient High Re Flow Simulations Around an Airfoil Using LBM

  • Gericke, Jana (German Aerospace Center (DLR))
  • Stahl, Kathrin (German Aerospace Center (DLR))
  • Klimach, Harald (German Aerospace Center (DLR))
  • Roller, Sabine (German Aerospace Center (DLR))

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To investigate the sound generation of flow-induced noise around an airfoil and its effects, while simultaneously reducing the number of possible modeling influences, a trade-off between cost (computational resources) and degree of modeling is indispensable as shown in [1]. A method well suited for this is the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). Especially advances in wall-modeled (WM) large-eddy simulations (LES) for LBM enabled the application of this method to the field of high Reynolds number (Re) flows, which are omnipresent. In this work, state-of-the-art key components for WM-LES of high Re are not only identified and combined but especially tailored to the target case using the massively parallel LBM solver Musubi. Recent advances in the solver [2, 3] and the resulting findings are combined and extended to address the needs of the target case efficiently. E.g. an improved wall model for curved geometries is implemented and among others compared to experimental and numerical references [1]. REFERENCES [1] K. Stahl, Investigation of blunt trailing edge noise from an asymmetric airfoil under different aerodynamic loads, PhD thesis, 2023. [2] J. Gericke, H. Klimach, N. Ebrahimi Pour, S. Roller, Using MPIs Non-Blocking Allreduce for Health Checks in Dynamic Simulations. In: Park, J.S., Takizawa, H., Shen, H., Park, J.J. (eds) Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies. PDCAT 2023. LNEE, Vol. 1112, pp. 25{31, 2023. [3] G. G. Spinelli, J. Gericke, K. Masilamani, H. Klimach (in press) Key ingredients for wall-modeled LES with the Lattice Boltzmann Method: systematic comparison of collision schemes, SGS models, and wall functions on simulation accuracy and efficiency for turbulent channel flow. DCDS-S.