Study and numerical solution of the UC-ACOPF problem

  • Gómez, Dolores (USC and CITMAGA)
  • Ríos-Alborés, Alfredo (USC and CITMAGA)
  • Salgado, Pilar (USC and CITMAGA)

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The Unit Commitment (UC) problem is a tool widely used by Independent System Operators (ISOs) for the daily management of power transmission networks. While the classical UC is a mixed-integer linear problem, it becomes a non-convex mixed-integer nonlinear problem (MINLP) when the AC Power Flow (ACPF) equations are included as constraints. In the existing literature, a common approach is to use a combination of decomposition methods (physics-based heuristics, Benders decomposition, outer approximation...), reformulation strategies and convex relaxation of the problem equations. Here, we present an approach based on sequential linear programming (SLP). In particular, we have implemented the so-called 2-Step SLP method to solve the UC-ACOPF problem. This method has previously been successfully applied for solving MINLP problems arising in gas networks system management.